Sierra Nevada Conservancy
August & September 2019
Funding Research Memos for fuel reduction, parks and trails, habitat preservation, environmental education, and other program areas are available on the SNC funding opportunities webpage. This is a great way to find funding opportunities for your projects!
Upcoming Grants That Might be of Interest:
- The Rose Foundation for Communities and the Environment: Northern California Environmental Grassroots Fund (due August 1) provides modest general support grants to small grassroots organizations that address tough environmental problems, such as toxic pollution, sustainable agriculture, climate change, environmental degradation of rivers and wild places, and the environmental health of communities.
- The Clarence E. Heller Charitable Foundation Grant Program (due August 1) promotes the long-term good health and viability of communities and regions, including supporting regional planning and sustainability in agriculture and food systems.
- The California Statewide Parks Program (due August 5) provides funding to create new parks and recreation opportunities in critically underserved communities across the state.
- The Nature Conservancy Natural Climate Solutions Accelerator Grant (due August 5) supports innovative demonstration projects with potential for large-scale implementation of natural climate solutions in natural and working lands, such as forests, agricultural lands, grasslands, and wetlands.
- The US Department of Labor YouthBuild Program (due August 6) funds education, occupational skills training, and employment services for at-risk youth ages 16 to 24.
- The National Endowment for the Arts: Our Town Program (due August 8) supports projects that integrate arts, culture, and design activities, and strengthen communities by advancing local economic, physical, and/or social outcomes.
- The Cedar Tree Foundation: Regenerative Grazing Initiative (due August 12) supports projects that will increase the number of farmers, ranchers, and other land managers who use regenerative grazing practices to increase their soil organic matter and improve overall soil health, thereby achieving multiple environmental benefits while increasing their resilience to floods and droughts.
- The California Department of Fish and Wildlife Wetlands Restoration for Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reduction Program (due August 13) supports mountain meadows restoration projects, which provide quantifiable GHG benefits.
- The Leary Firefighters Foundation: Jeremiah Lucey Grant Program (letters of inquiry due August 15) provides funding and resources for fire departments to obtain the best available equipment, technology, and training.
- The Thornton S. Glide, Jr. and Katrina D. Glide Foundation: Regular Grants (due August 15) fund animal protection, as well as other land and wildlife conservation projects.
- The Rose Foundation for Communities and the Environment: California Wildlands Grassroots Fund (due August 15) supports conservationists advocating for the permanent protection, including restoration and stewardship, of intact wildlands to help preserve California’s wilderness and native biological diversity.
- The USDA Outreach and Assistance for Socially Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers and Veteran Farmers and Ranchers Program (due August 15) supports training and technical assistance projects designed to assist socially disadvantaged and veteran farmers and ranchers in owning and operating viable agricultural enterprises.
- The California Department of Fish and Wildlife Natural Community Conservation Planning Local Assistance Grant Program (due August 23) supports fish and wildlife habitat preservation, restoration, and enhancement that will help local public and nonprofit agencies implement Natural Community Conservation Plans (NCCPs).
- The CA Department of Water Resources Urban Streams Restoration Program (due August 30)provides funding to restore streams impacted by urban development to a more natural state.
- The CA Department of Water Resources San Joaquin Fish Population Enhancement Program (due August 30) improves conditions for survival of various life stages of salmonids and other native fishes in the tributaries of the San Joaquin River, including the Cosumnes, Mokelumne, Calaveras, Stanislaus, Tuolumne, and the Merced.
- The DigitalLead: Rural Libraries Creating New Possibilities Program (due August 30) increases digital skills programming and access to technology in rural communities by providing hardware and digital skills training and resources to rural libraries.
- The Wildlife Conservation Board’s Stream Flow Enhancement Program (due September 10) funds multi-benefit projects that result in enhanced flows for streams that support anadromous fish; support special status, threatened, endangered, or at-risk species; or provide resilience to climate change.
- The California Energy Commission Energy Conservation Assistance Act (rolling) provides 1% interest loans for projects involving energy efficiency and renewable energy generation.
Does your community need help with climate change adaptation planning?
EcoAdapt, in partnership with Virginia Tech, is offering support for up to eight communities to undertake a stakeholder-driven climate change vulnerability assessment and adaptation planning workshop (1-2 days). They are looking for interested communities who are creating, updating, or implementing a local plan (e.g., comprehensive/general, hazard mitigation, neighborhood). The goal of these workshops is to build local capacity for climate change adaptation, improve understanding about local climate change vulnerabilities, and develop implementable adaptation responses. Following the workshop, each community will receive a climate adaptation action plan summarizing local climate vulnerabilities and impacts, as well as adaptation strategies and actions designed to minimize vulnerabilities and increase community resilience. Application forms should be submitted by August 30.
Your SNC Area Representative can help you set up an individual consultation with the SNC Funding Team to get advice about specific funding opportunities or general fund development strategies. To take advantage of this resource, contact your Area Representative.
Grant Writing Workshops are available to help build the capacity of organizations that serve the Sierra Nevada region. If you are interested in organizing or attending a workshop, contact your Area Representative.