California’s forests and rangelands. 2010 strategy report.

California’s forests and rangelands. 2010 strategy report.
Forests and rangelands in California are an abundant and important resource that support and enhance the quality of life enjoyed by all Californians. California forests cover a diversity of habitats that are comprised of a mixture of conifer and hardwood forests. California has retained extensive forest and rangeland across the state, covering nearly 80 percent of the land base. There is a growing demand for the renewable products and environmental services provided by California’s forests and rangelands. These services include: timber, grazing, bioenergy, recreation, clean air, clean water, carbon sequestration, habitat, and many other services. Conservation and management of these natural resources is challenged by increasing demand, changing climate and ongoing natural threats, legacy of historic management practices, limited infrastructure, varying community capacity, and few incentives for landowners to maintain and enhance the broader range of environmental services that benefit all Californians.
Begin Date
Originator Name
California Dept. of Forestry and Fire Protection. CALFIRE. 2010. Accessible: see link
Global or not applicable
Climate, Climate Change, Conifer, Forest Health, Forests, Plant pests, Population, Rangelands, Recreation
Resource Type
Resource Owner

To the owner of California’s forests and rangelands. 2010 strategy report.

1 file