Climate change, growth, and California wildfire

Climate change, growth, and California wildfire
Large wildfire occurrence and burned area are modeled using hydroclimate and landsurface characteristics under a range of future climate and development scenarios. The range of uncertainty for future wildfire regimes is analyzed over two emissions pathways (the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios [SRES] A2 and B1 scenarios); three global climate models (Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques CM3, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory CM21 and National Center for Atmospheric Research PCM2); a mid-range scenario for future population growth and development footprint; two model specifications related to the uncertainty over the speed and timing with which vegetation characteristics will shift their spatial distributions in response to trends in climate and disturbance; and two thresholds for defining the wildland-urban interface relative to housing density. Results were assessed for three 30-year time periods centered on 2020, 2050, and 2085, relative to a 30-year reference period centered on 1975. (continued)
Originator Name
Westerling, A.L., et al. 2009. California Climate Change Center. California Energy Commission, Sacramento, CA.
Global or not applicable
Climate, Climate Change, Hydrology, Wildfire
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