The Upper Feather River Regional Water Management Group is requesting assistance in collecting information to support the current update of the 2005 Upper Feather River Integrated Regional Water Management Plan.  You are invited to submit data, studies and/or reports related to the Upper Feather River watershed and its communities.  The information and data collected through this effort will build upon the baseline conditions contains in the existing Plan and further the development of the Plan Update, particularly in preparing the regional description and and baseline conditions within the Upper Feather River basin.  Click for more information regarding the “Call for Science and Technical Studies.”  Please contact us with any questions and/or to submit information.

Ranching and California’s Drought Workshop and Webcast

On November 7, 2014, the U.S. Drought Monitor authors and the California State Climatologist met at UC Davis to talk about 1) how the U.S. Drought monitor is updated weekly; and 2) how local expert knowledge, real time ranch impacts, and other relevant data can be used to inform the U.S Drought Monitor. They also shared new information on California Ranchers’ perceptions and experiences with drought, new livestock feeding strategies during drought, and seasonal weather forecasts for California.

Watch the webcast videos here: