Enhanced Management of Livestock Grazing

Livestock operations are a significant part of the economic and cultural fabric of the Upper Feather River Watershed. There is an ongoing need to provide technical assistance to working landscape managers and owners to ensure that their operations continue to stay viable; and that improvements to water quality and quantity management can continue to be made.

This assistance would augment individual landowner efforts; and collaborative programs already being instituted by other existing organizations; including the Upper Feather River Watershed Group; to further the goals of improving water quality and supply in the Upper Feather River Watershed; while improving land stewardship on working landscapes.

This project would provide cost-sharing assistance for the following general stewardship practices:
Technical assistance and training workshops to develop soil and water quality/conservation management plans for individual operations that defines UFRW commodity-specific water quality management practices; and potentially meets requirements set forth in the Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program (IRLP) to develop Farm Evaluations for water quality management practices; Sediment and Erosion Assessment Reports and Management Plans; Nitrogen Management Plans; as well as Management Practice Verification.
Baseline documentation of existing conditions on working landscapes in the region to identify most critical practices.
Management practices to improve soil health; including but not limited to; grazing management regimes; seeding; etc.
Fencing to support specific grazing management plans designed to improve and increase forages; soil health and water quality
Infrastructure to increase irrigation efficiency and water conservation
Soil moisture monitoring technical assistance
Land leveling and forage development
Sponsoring Agency
Feather River Resource Conservation District and Sierra Valley Resource Conservation District
Primary Contact
Russell Reid
Contact Email
Project Number
Matching Funds
None listed
Total Cost
DAC Benefit
DWR Resource Management Strategies
Agricultural land stewardship, Agricultural Water Use Efficiency, Conjunctive management, Conveyance - regional/local, Economic incentives, Ecosystem restoration, Flood management, Groundwater remediation/aquifer remediation, Land use planning and management, Municipal recycled water, Outreach and engagement, Pollution prevention, Recharge area protection, Sediment management, Surface storage - regional/local, System reoperation, Urban storm water runoff management, Urban water use efficiency, Water and culture, Water transfers
Project Objectives
Address economic challenges of agricultural producers, Address water resources and wastewater needs of DACs and Native Americans, Build communication and collaboration among water resources stakeholders, Coordinate management of recharge areas and protect groundwater, Effectively address climate change adaptation and/or mitigation in water resources management, Encourage municipal service providers to participate in regional water management actions, Enhance public awareness and understanding of water management issues and needs, Improve coordination of land use and water resources planning, Improve efficiency and reliability of water supply and infrastructure, Maximize agricultural, environmental, and municipal water use efficiency, Protect, restore, and enhance the quality of surface and groundwater resources, Restore natural hydrologic functions, Work with counties/communities/groups to maintain capacity for water-related projects
Project Status
Potential Benefits
Assist the region in adapting to effects of climate change, Disadvantaged Communities, Drought Preparedness, Environmental Justice, Generation or reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (e.g. green technology), Native American Tribal Communities
Project Owner

To the owner of Enhanced Management of Livestock Grazing

1 resource

  • ALS-3 1 file Added 27 Aug 2016 Enhanced management of livestock grazing