Goodrich Creek Biomass

The project would provide for biomass harvesting to be conducted on approximately 2;800 acres of private forestland that is adjacent to a recently funded pond and plug project on tributaries that flow into Goodrich Creek. The pond and plug project is designed to restore approximately 125 acres of upland meadow to its original hydrologic condition allowing for increased natural water storage. This project will be designed to enhance this work by reducing the density of small understory trees; which will reduce the amount of evapotranspiration and canopy interception providing for increased infiltration into the soil. The expected increase in groundwater will also help to increase stream flow in the area.

An additional result of the biomass harvest will be the reduction of fuel loads in the area. This will help to mitigate the risk of catastrophic wildfire which can lead to significant decreases in water quality.
Sponsoring Agency
W.M. Beaty & Associates
Primary Contact
Ryan Hilburn
Contact Email
Project Number
Matching Funds
None listed
Total Cost
DAC Benefit
DWR Resource Management Strategies
Ecosystem restoration, Forest management, Watershed management
Project Objectives
Encourage municipal service providers to participate in regional water management actions, Protect, restore, and enhance the quality of surface and groundwater resources, Reduce potential for catastrophic wildland fires in the region, Restore natural hydrologic functions
Project Status
Final Design
Potential Benefits
Assist the region in adapting to effects of climate change, Disadvantaged Communities, Generation or reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (e.g. green technology)
Project Owner

To the owner of Goodrich Creek Biomass

1 resource

  • UF-8 1 file Added 27 Aug 2016 Goodrich Creek biomass