Climate change, forests and fire in the Sierra Nevada, California: implications for current and future resource management.

Climate change, forests and fire in the Sierra Nevada, California: implications for current and future resource management.
I. Climate change past, present, and future. II. Changing patterns in wildfire occurrence, area, and severity. III. Climate change, fire and interactions with other factors: ecological implications for terrestrial ecosystems: 1. Biological: 2. Vegetation 3. Plant diversity 4. Wildlife habitat
Originator Name
Safford, H. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Region. and University of California, Division of Ag. and Natural Resources.
Global or not applicable
Climate Change, Ecology, Fire, Forests, Maps, Mediterranean Climate, Precipitation, Sierra Nevada, Wildfire
Resource Type
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To the owner of Climate change, forests and fire in the Sierra Nevada, California: implications for current and future resource management.

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