Indian Jim School Restoration
The old Indian Jim School site is in critical need of hazardous materials remediation. It contains dangerous levels of lead from paint and asbestos; a major health hazard to downstream water consumers and area recreationists. It is also a major hazard to the fish population along the Upper Feather River watershed as it is in close proximity to annual high-water flow zones and has flooded in the past. Ten years ago the school district did initial scoping for plans to restore this historic building but were prevented from doing so due to the hazardous material removal being too costly. We see to complete the remediation of those hazardous materials and to recover the building; if possible; in order to establish a River Resource Center. If the building is unable to be saved; we would secondarily seek to construct a new building. The building the Plumas County School District could enhance its natural science and outdoor education programs with a new stage for learning.. Students could be brought to a safe place; in order to directly access the Feather River and its rich resources for the sake of education in sustainable watershed management. Greenville Rancheria would take the lead in developing a corresponding Maidu History educational component; to be used by the schools. They would add a layer of historical interpretation to the center?s visitors by use of a kiosk and community engagement activities that would focus on the Maidu People?s multi-generational commitment to maintaining healthy rivers and streams. Historically; the site and the surrounding area belonged to the Maidu Indians. The area contains Maidu burial grounds; mortars and has a well-known Native history. It was a Maidu allotment that was donated so that a school for Maidu children could be built. The current building was built by money donated by PG&E to the school district so that there would be a school for children of their workers living in the Feather River Canyon could attend. The land was leased from the Forest Service.
Sponsoring Agency
Maidu Summit Consortium
Primary Contact
Kenneth Holbrook; Executive Director
Contact Email
Project Number
Matching Funds
Total Cost
DAC Benefit
DWR Resource Management Strategies
Economic incentives, Land use planning and management, Outreach and engagement, Pollution prevention, Water and culture, Water-dependent recreation
Project Objectives
Build communication and collaboration among water resources stakeholders, Enhance public awareness and understanding of water management issues and needs, Improve efficiency and reliability of water supply and infrastructure, Protect, restore, and enhance the quality of surface and groundwater resources, Work with counties/communities/groups to maintain capacity for water-related projects
Project Status
Potential Benefits
Assist the region in adapting to effects of climate change, Environmental Justice, Native American Tribal Communities
Project Owner
To the owner of Indian Jim School Restoration
1 resource
- TAC-5 1 file Added 27 Aug 2016 Indian Jim river resource center