Sierra Valley Groundwater Basin Sustainability Plan

The Sierra Valley Groundwater Management District (SVGMD) is the state-identified Groundwater Sustainability Agency for the Sierra Valley Groundwater Basin; as defined in California?s Sustainable Groundwater Management Act of 2014 and DWR?s Bulletin 118. As such; SVGMD is tasked with the preparation of a 20-year horizon Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) for this medium-priority basin. This project will involve contracting with a qualified consultant/consulting firm to complete the Sierra Valley Groundwater Sustainability Plan prior to the legislated deadline of January 31; 2022.

CA DWR reports indicate declines in groundwater levels and artesian well production along the east and northeast side of the valley in addition to poor quality water in the west-central side of valley (boron; fluoride; arsenic; & sodium). SVGMD monitoring well reports show groundwater levels dropping in the Valley since the mid-1990s. Further; drought and climate change both indicate the need for a sustainable management plan.
Plan Components: Shall include; at minimum; state-mandated format and contents:
A description of the physical setting and characteristics of the aquifer system.
Historical date; groundwater levels; ground water quality; subsidence; groundwater-surface water interaction; a discussion of historical and projected water demands and supplies.
A map that details the area of the basin and boundaries.
A map identifying existing and potential recharge areas that substantially contribute to the recharge of the basin.
Measurable objectives; as well as interim milestones in increments of five years; to achieve the sustainability goal in the basin within 20 years.
A planning and implementing horizon.
The monitoring and management of groundwater levels; water quality; groundwater quality degradation; and inelastic land surface subsidence.
A summary of the type of monitoring.
The monitoring protocols.
A description of the consideration of other applicable local government plans and how the GSP may affect those plans.

This project supports all five UFR IRWM Goals.
Sponsoring Agency
Sierra Valley Groundwater Management District
Primary Contact
Carl Genasci
Contact Email
Project Number
Matching Funds
Total Cost
DAC Benefit
Supplemental Information
Key Outcome: Sierra Valley Groundwater Sustainable Management plan compliant with California Sustainable Groundwater Management Act of 2014 in place to sustainably manage Sierra Valley groundwater resources for long-term water supply reliability and multiple economic; social; and environmental benefits for current and future beneficial uses.
DWR Resource Management Strategies
Agricultural land stewardship, Agricultural Water Use Efficiency, Conjunctive management, Land use planning and management, Municipal recycled water, Outreach and engagement, Recharge area protection, Watershed management
Project Objectives
Address economic challenges of municipal service providers to serve customers, Address water resources and wastewater needs of DACs and Native Americans, Build communication and collaboration among water resources stakeholders, Coordinate management of recharge areas and protect groundwater, Effectively address climate change adaptation and/or mitigation in water resources management, Enhance public awareness and understanding of water management issues and needs, Improve coordination of land use and water resources planning, Improve efficiency and reliability of water supply and infrastructure, Protect, restore, and enhance the quality of surface and groundwater resources, Restore natural hydrologic functions, Work with counties/communities/groups to maintain capacity for water-related projects
Project Status
Potential Benefits
Assist the region in adapting to effects of climate change, Disadvantaged Communities, Drought Preparedness
Project Owner

To the owner of Sierra Valley Groundwater Basin Sustainability Plan

1 resource

  • ALS-10 1 file Added 27 Aug 2016 Sierra Valley groundwater sustainability plan